Here are some tips for someone write my research paper organizing ideas and getting out of the blank Word page.
To start you will need: paper, pen, crayons, scissors without tip and a little concentration. When you have already defined the topic, write down everything that comes to mind about it, as you read articles about it (such articles can be found in databases such as the Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, Pubmed, and others ) write down everything that is for your study, if you put some of these notes in the text, do not forget to give the credits.
The goal here Online assignment help is to organize ideas, not copy someone's work. Writing is a scientifically proven way of visualizing what you are thinking and ordering in the way that works best for you.
"Okay, but what, you were not going to talk about the introduction?"
I was going and I'm going. Once you know what you are going to write about and get a sense of what has been talked about around the world about it, it's time to start writing the introduction .
1st paragraph: Go straight to the subject, explaining what would be the advantage of working with this theme. But be careful not to be extremely succinct. Here we want to convince the reader that his theme is interesting and worthwhile to continue reading.
2nd paragraph: Present the limitations that the theme offers today, what problems it presents, which still need to be resolved, etc. We can then illustrate what has been said with a practical implication. It is important for the reader to see how this affects the life of him or a particular group.
3rd paragraph: It is the part that demands greater revision of the literature. Talk about the methods that other researchers have used to overcome the problems presented, and why these methods may not be the most appropriate (be it difficult to re-create in the laboratory, cost, difficulty of application, etc.). If this paragraph becomes too long it can be divided into 2 paragraphs. It is interesting to cite other studies that talk about the subject, so that the reader also has a notion of what is being done in the world in relation to the theme chosen. It does not give that sense of "I need to do a study, I will invent something here". Hardly a theme will be totally unpublished, which has nothing in the literature about it.
4th paragraph: Talk about how you intend to solve the problem, presenting alternatives that seem to be feasible to bypass it, giving a light touch on the purpose of your study. It is worth mentioning that this is a cake recipe for those who have no idea where to start writing. The famous "light at the end of the tunnel". As the person is writing, it improves writing techniques, after all, "practice leads to perfection."
Getting Started: How to Start Writing
Reviewed by Claraalbert
October 20, 2017

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